JMU CS 430 Spring 2022

Programming Languages

Module 01 Project


In this PA you will write a few Ruby methods to practice Ruby syntax and explore the standard Ruby classes. You should fully complete this module’s lab before beginning work on this project.

Project starter files:


factors(n) — must return an Array of all the factors of n, in order and without duplicates. The result must be [] if n < 1. For examples, factors(1) == [1] and factors(12) == [1,2,3,4,6,12].

primes(n) — must return an Array of all prime numbers less than or equal to n, in order and without duplicates. The result must be [] if n < 2. For examples, primes(10) == [2,3,5,7].

prime_factors(n) — must return an Array of all prime factors of n, in order and without duplicates. prime_factors must return [] if n < 2. For examples, prime_factors(1) == [] and prime_factors(12) == [2,3].

perfects(n) — must return an Array of all perfect numbers less than or equal to n, in order and without duplicates. A perfect number is one whose factors sum to twice the number. For example, perfects(10) == [6] (because the factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6, and these sum to 12).

pythagoreans(n) — must return an Array of Arrays of Pythagorean triples whose elements are all less than or equal to n, in order without duplicates, and such that each triple is ordered. A Pythagorean triple is three positive integers (x, y, z) such that x2 + y2 = z2. For example, pythagoreans(15) == [[3,4,5], [5,12,13], [6,8,10], [9,12,15]].

The Integer iterator upto() is quite useful in solving these problems. Alternatively, you can use Ranges. The Array select method is also useful. You may assume that all of the n parameters are instances of the Integer class or one of its descendants.

Some test routines are included in test.rb. However, your submission will be graded based on additional tests not provided to you, so you should write your own test cases as well. You may need to install the unit test package (gem install test-unit) if your distribution of Ruby does not come pre-loaded with it.

For this assignment, you may NOT use any classes or methods that are not in the Ruby Core (i.e., you shouldn’t require anything). If you are unsure about a particular class or method, you can consult the documentation. Also, we will test your submission using Ruby 2.6 so you shouldn’t depend on any features added after that version.


Your program must contain implementations of the five methods described above. You must name your Ruby script file p1.rb. You must put your name in a comment at the top of the file. As usual, decompose your methods to make them more readable, use good names, indent properly (indentation is conventionally two spaces in Ruby), and so on. You will partly be graded on the readability of your code but mostly on whether it works.

Submit ONLY p1.rb to the appropriate assignment on Canvas by the deadline.